FAQs – Year 4 MChem at UoL

What should I be doing, now that all teaching has been moved online?
You will realise that your CHEM480 project is the most significant component of your final year and that successful completion of your project is an essential outcome of your degree programme. This means that completing your report and preparing your presentation should be high priorities at this time. Make sure that you also complete any coursework for other modules. Don't forget to check your UoL email account regularly.

Where can I read the University's current COVID-19 advice and guidance to students?
Visit news.liverpool.ac.uk/coronavirus-advice-and-guidance/students which includes further details on assessments. There is also a detailed FAQs for the Safety Net approach for assessments.

How will it be determined whether I have passed a module that normally has a May exam?

What are the special arrangements to classify my degree?
Special arrangements are being put in place to classify your degree. As a Department, we have actively tried to find ways to minimise the setting of additional pieces of work for our students to complete, not least because we are aware that there are already multiple deadlines that students might find it difficult to meet. As well as further details on assessments there is a detailed FAQs for the Safety Net approach for assessments.

Where can I read the opinion of the National Union of Students (NUS)?
Visit: www.nus.org.uk/en/news/press-releases/nus-calls-for-non-essential-exams-to-be-cancelled-/
